Year End Trip (Part 2)

The little buns
Then off to get the Keropok Lekor,

The whole street full of them
The to the big market,

Dunno what Little Mafia up to : )
Then after, we drove to Lake Kenyir, the largest man-made lake in Asia.

Beautiful lake views
As its getting late, we immediately drove to Kota Bharu.
Kota Bharu was not what we expected from a Islamic State. Its amazing busy with streets buzzling with Chinese shops, eateries selling pork and beers, and while on our way to the Thai borders, we nearly knock down a pig!

Kite markers at Kota Bharu

At the museum

Even their toilet looks so nice : )

Handicaft village

Wat Phathivihan, near the Thai borders. Its 40m long, 11m in heights and 9m in diameter.
After visiting the Wat, its already 3pm and we made our way back to KL. But the Gua Musang/KL Highway was jammed pack with KL & Selangor cars...

The paddy fields while stuck in a jam

Poor Daddy

Angry passengers
We finally reached home at 2pm! What a journey!