Friday, January 12, 2007

Ant bites

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Caught Edlynne in this position while she was napping in the shop. But we later found a small red dot on her nose. Thinking nothing about it, we just let her be and it developed into this when she woke up the next day,

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She still looks happy

I bought her to a doctor just a few shoplots away. Doctor commented that it doesn't look like mosquito bites, most likely to be ants bites as spiders, bees & centipedes bites tend to be painful and she will definately scream up loud even when napping. So its ants bites then allergeries.

We fed her the medicines and applied the cream, so she was drowsy and slept the whole day. Then she woke up at 3am and wanted milk milk. Fed her and she later wanted to play... no choice, bought her down to watch TV, luckily its Elmo's World. She watched while I fed her the medicines. After an hour, she was tired and slept... but *err* she woke uo again at 7am!!

Two days after the medicines & cream,

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