Saturday, January 28, 2006

Reunion Dinner

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We have reunion dinner at Jade Peony again. Last year I was pregnant with Edlynne and now she can sit (in baby chair) and eat (plain rice) with all of us. Joining us is cousin Hin Sai, Angela & Edlynne's cousin Hong Da (cousin Di Di). Someone mentioned that Hong Da sounds like Honda and thus Triston wanted to change his name too. He said that he should now be "Ferrari Triston".

Dinner was okay okay. Not as good as last year. I was thinking if we can join the family for dinner next year after our move to KL... feeling sad already...

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Notti Edlynne wants to be carried

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Edlynne sayang Triston

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Angela with Honda

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Edlynne with her cousin Honda

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Daddy & Edlynne. And a group photo but Triston moved (urg!!)