Monday, October 23, 2006

Second visit to Cameron Highlands

Its been 30 something years since Father & Mother last visited Cameron Highlands, so Daddy decided to bring them for a day trip after our opening.

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They were excited to see strawberry cos they never seen them when they last visited.

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A foto with the strawberries

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Another foto

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Mother bought some home

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Beautiful flowers

Then we decided to try our luck at the Thousand Buddha Temple to see if the famous bare footed monk is in. Newspaper commented that he is very accurate. He only listen to illness and if you have a particular ailment, just talk to him (he knows all kinds of language, even Indians went to him), he will listen then gave an answer like "You go back" (no cure) or "Its okay, go back" (can cure).

There was a queue when we reached the temple at 3pm. The car was jammed at the foot of the hill with car from all parts of Malaysia. I quickly ran and queue for Mother.

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The monk

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He look very wise

Mother was realived when he told her "its okay, go back" : )

Then we spent sometime in the temple before heading back to KL.

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Paradise bird

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Beautiful hibicus

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Bigger than Edlynne's face