Monday, June 26, 2006

Cousin Alarick's one month celebration

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Saturday was a busy day, Kenny came to Singapore for some business and visited us in the morning, then I 've to rush and prepared to attend Edlynne's cousin Di Yan, Alarick's one month celebration.

Nephew Alarick's parent are our cousin. He is Mother's brother's second son's son. Confusing?

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Edlynne sayang cousin Alarick

Edlynne loves the crowd and the attention showered upon her.

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Little gal KO after came home

The below fotos were taken by Daddy while I was napping. He was telling me that Edlynne was able to hold the Octotunes and kept carrying it around.

These pictures were his prove...

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I never saw her holding the Octotunes although I do saw her kissing it quite often.