Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Edlynne finally going to school

We woke up early on Monday, 2 Apr to send Edlynne to The Little Capers. She was okay with the environment and teacher, however when its time for us to leave, she immediately came to the door, asked for her shoes so she can come with us. Daddy told her to stay, so she went back to the teacher.

I checked with her teacher that afternoon that Edlynne have been behaving well, she joined in the class, played with the children, never fight and never cry. She told me that she have never met a child like Edlynne. But they also told me that she have been a fussy eater (which we expected) and they can't do anything to let her eat...

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Second day, she seems a bit sad when we left her there, but still she waved us goodbye and gave us a fake smile. Teacher Annie commented that she cried during lunch. Edlynne wanted to play and eat at the same time but the teacher do not allow that, so they took away her toys, immediately she cried. She commented that she thought Edlynne don't have tears. But Edlynne soon cooled down after they sang her some songs and finsihed her porridge. But still, she wasn't eating well...

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Third day, she seems angry and crossed her arms when we left her. Teacher Annie however have some good news, she commented that Edlynne have been interested in phonics and numbers and she thinks that Edlynne is ready to learn more. So they were busy preparing materials to start her on phonics and numbers tracing. And the helper auntie told us that they think Little gal is too small size and so they will in future prepare additional stuffs for her, in case she refuses the normal meals.

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We hope she can make frens, learn something and be happy here...