Saturday, March 25, 2006

NZ - South Island Trip Day 9 (12 Mar)

Timaru -> Lake Tekapo -> Mt. Cook -> Lindis Pass -> Christchurch

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Church of the Good Sheperd, Lake Tekapo

Reached Lake Tekapo quite early, only to find out that the helicopter ride was cancelled for the whole day. So we settled for Air Safaris.

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Its a 50 mins grand traverse leaves from Lake Tekapo and flies over the MacKenzie Basin and lakes, around Mt. Cook, to the West Coast Glaciers, and back to Lake Tekapo.

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Mt. Cook

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Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers

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MacKenzie Basin and lakes

We arrived Mt. Cook village in late morning.

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The Hermitage. Most famous hotel in NZ.

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Mt. Cook

And took a walk (plus an unexpected climb) to view the Tasman Glacier. The longest known glacier outside aractic region - 29 km long and 3 km wide.

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Its not really a glacier, more like a gravel quarry with some floating icebergs

We took a detour to Lindis Pass. It was actually quite refreshing to view something other than snow capped mountains. Vincent told me that LOTR used this scene for Middle Earth.

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Then off to Christchurch for the night.