Qing Ming Trip (29 Mar - 5 Apr) Part II
Edlynne enjoyed herself most during this trip. All the uncles & aunties, grand uncles & aunties and great grand uncles & aunties all love her and they spolit her by carrying her around.
Edlynne sitting in old furnitures
Vincent "enjoying" a tribal Iban massage
Our shop
Avoados, this whole basket for only RM 24, bigger than what we usually get in Singapore (note the brown one)
Local vege and fruit
A visit to the market for crabs,
Big head prawns and sword fish
Qing Ming on 2Apr, Sunday was a big event for the Chinese in Lawas. Its was crowded at 7 am and we have to make our way from hill to hill. Edlynne was excited cos there were fire crackers, lots of people, and then a mini buffet at the Chinese temple on the foot of the hill.