Monday, March 27, 2006

NZ - South Island Trip Day 13 (16 Mar)


Its an early day today. We have to be at the meeting point by 6:20am if the ride was still on by the time I called at 5:30am. Yap, still on! So I wake Vincent.

I didn't know the launched point as the pilot keeps letting go balloons and telling us that its not good here... all I knew was that its a farm.

All the balloon riders were expected to help out with the ride...

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By the time we got into the balloon, it was about 9:30am...

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Morning mist over the Canterbury plains

It was a short ride and we crush landed into someone farm. After that was some champage which we both not enjoyed, then back to Christchurch.

Lunch was Mac., then we napped for eating... We were tired!

A good sleep later, we proceed to the International Antaratic Center.

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We took the additional Hagglund ride and experience what the transport used in the Anataratic

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Inside the cold room

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There were also some storm stimulations inside the cold room

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Vincent having fun :)